Divine Connection - Part 2

Scripture Reading - Romans 8:14 KJV

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Greetings fellow believer in the Awesome Name of Jesus may God’s Grace smile upon you this day while he fills you with all Peace. Today we are continuing on one of the ways of God concerning being led by the Holy Spirit of God. This means all Children of God ought to be led by the Holy Spirit of God as noted in Romans 8:14 KJV. When we are operating within God’s Will it allows us to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen. In the first lesson on Divine Connections - Part 1 we mentioned a little on what you could do to be led of God. We mentioned that daily fellowship with God is how the Good Lord will direct your steps. Now that is a true statement but it needs some more explanation to clear-up any misunderstanding that the reader might assume. When we (ihlcc) state daily fellowship with God we are speaking about two specific things. First, we are equating spending time with God as spending time in His Word. When we (ihlcc) state His Word we are talking in the context of our Holy Bible that has been used for centuries as a faithful witness to what God said, what God is saying right now and it even contains some of God’s thoughts and prophecies about the future. Yes, we desire for all Christians to embrace the whole Holy Bible by accepting both the Old Testament and the New Testament as undisputable truth. God delights in His Word when you delight yourself in God’s Word too God also delights Himself in you. This is the foundation to following God and must be valued above all else because if you don’t clearly understand what God has already said how would you distinguish what God is saying today. God and His Word are one and we will make a bold statement here by saying the majority of the critical issues we face in life on this earth have already been answered by God in the Holy Bible because there is nothing new under the sun. This basically means what God has done for others He will do (and is doing) for us including you personally. Remember God is not a man but Jesus became a man to identify with all mankind. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing in this earth that is too hard for God to figure out and there is nothing in this earth too difficult for God to perform. The key is knowing God’s Will which is knowing God’s Word. Simply put the better we know God’s Word the better we know God! The Spirit of the Lord will always lead you in line with His Word. Yes, God put (planted) His Word in the earth to bear witness to exactly who He is and what He is all about. Make no mistake about it anything contrary to God’s Word as wrote in the Holy Bible is contrary to God no matter how popular it is today and it is not right no matter how many nations (people) practice it. We state this because being led by the Spirit of God includes being led away from all evil practices. Yes, fornication, adultery, stealing, killing, lying and etc. . . are all sins so because we know this according to God’s Holy Word we avoid even the appearance of evil. This is God’s Way of steering you clear of a potential trap that Satan can craft at evil establishments. Yes, Satan uses his servants to persecute, frustrate and ensnare God’s children, so we purpose to avoid all businesses that practice sin as a lifestyle. Remember, we desire (want, purpose) to be in the right place at the right time for the right things to happen which in many cases means being led to stay home when faced with the choice of going to a night club or attending an ungodly party. This is real life, our dear faith friend, and that exact thing happened to a co-worker. They had a witness to stay home that evening and relax but one of their friends talked him into going out to the bar that evening instead. The friend got drunk and didn’t drive correctly which gave the police a good reason for pulling them over which ended up in a fight, which ended up in jail time, then there was costly court and attorney fees. Now we ask you, “Was that God’s Will for the co-worker to go through all that? The correct answer is no! This is where not being led of God but being prompted by the evil one using sinners cost him much sorrow and many troubles. We think you get the point (the big picture) which is stay with the Holy Word of God as written in the scriptures to stay on God’s plan for your life. Being obedient to God’s Word is being led by the Spirit of God for your own protection and safety and blessing. Today we discussed in detail the First practice of keeping God’s Word in your heart and living God’s Word in your actions. Next, we will discuss the Second practice of following the witness of God in the next teaching on Divine Connection (Part 3). We love you and desire for you to be blessed and safe by being in God’s Perfect Will on a daily basis in Jesus Name. Amen!